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Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC Law Student Blog Writing Project

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Thank you for considering Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC’ Law Student Blog Writing Project. This project’s goal is to give students an easy way to earn extra money while educating themselves and the community on relevant legal topics. In doing so, we hope students will gain valuable experience that will assist in their future practice of law, and in interviews when students are asked what they have done that stands out.

Students writing for the blog will get authorship for their articles, and can put the experience on their resumes. All submitted articles will be reviewed by an attorney at the firm, and all submitted articles should include the student’s resume.  Students writing for the blog are considered freelance writers rather than employees. This project is about connections – connecting the layperson with the knowledge they need, connecting the students with the employers, and connecting those in legal need with the ones that can help them most. Let’s get writing!

Rules for blog submissions are as follows:

  1. Students will be paid $20.00 per accepted post submission.
  2. Students will get authorship of the posts on the website and will have permission to copy them and submit them to potential employers as writing samples.
  3. Posts must be at least 1000 words long (a little under 2 word document pages).
  4. Posts must be 100% original content. Plagiarism will be reported to the student’s school.
  5. Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC has the absolute right to refuse any post submission for any reason at all. Refusal of a submission means the student will not be paid the $20.00 per post fee.
  6. Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC will pay the $20.00 per post fee by the time the post is published. Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC retains absolute discretion as to the schedule of publication.
  7. Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC is most interested in the following topics:
    • Tort Law
    • Workers’ Compensation Law
    • Bankruptcy Law
    • Social Security Law
    • Recent Kentucky Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Opinions
    • Recent Ohio Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Opinions
  8. While the foregoing topics have priority and are most likely to result in an accepted submission, any topic that is related to the law will be considered. We want students to be creative and use their past experiences for topic ideas. We will communicate with students about topic ideas before they write them.
  9. All blog posts are written to the average person. Law school and early legal employment gives lots of opportunities to write to law professors, judges, etc. However, lawyers are also expected to explain the law to clients that may not be sophisticated in legal terminology or nuance. All blog posts should be written with the goal of explaining the legal topic to the average layperson.
  10. At the time of publication, links to all blog posts will be published to Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC’ social media pages. Authors are encouraged to like or follow Lawrence & Associates Accident and Injury Lawyers, LLC are Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, or Twitter so the publication link can be shared with friends and family.
  11. Please contact our office for the appropriate email address where submissions and questions should be directed. (No email address is given so that spam bots cannot harvest the address.)
Last Updated : December 13, 2021
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